PreSales for Hellebore Plants- this way we only order what we need. In past years we would buy all the plants then sell them. This year I don’t want ‘extras’ hanging around - so we are doing a pre-sale - anticipating what varieties we will be able to bring you- and asking you to purchase them ahead of time. Then we will make our final order- pickup your plants and schedule your own pickups.
For the 6th year in a row we are bringing in plants from one our fave big local wholesalers for these hellebores. We focus on unusual, hard to find hellebores, ones you won’t easily find in a nursery around here and definitely not at your local big box store. If you follow us you know my love for hellebores. They bloom EARLY- some of our varieties are already blooming and have been since December- and thrive in our PA climate here (and NJ, DE, MD too!). They are harbingers of spring- and bloom usually from a March timeframe until MAY. We cut off them for months.
These are all 1 gallon plants, and locally grown in PA. Many will bloom this year or some may arrive to you blooming- but some might need an extra year to grow up before blooming. Be patient! There are no guarantees only a healthy plant. Hellebores mature over a longer period and will reward you with more and more blooms every year-almost like a peony plant. The stems also get longer as they mature, we cut 18” stems on a lot of our 5 year old plants!
We don’t have pictures for all of the varieties as some might be a new intro to the US or our farm -so we try to use a breeder pic if necessary. Google is also your friend- lots of times you can see the flowers in various stages online, they often change colors as they age.
NO refunds after purchase- and please be sure you are local or can drive to pickup (we have some customers that come from VA or DC to pickup plants!). These are estimated to get into your hands mid March- and can be planted immediately. In the case of a variety selling out or us not being able to get it- we will offer you a choice of a similar sub or a refund-trust our judgement! Thank you!