Tubers Corms Peony Roots Fall Bulbs
A favorite from a local (MD) grower- extremely tall, large plants. Heavy producer of an apricot butter blend, chameleon plant that can change through the season here for us in PA with the humid heat moving to cooler temps. One of my top 10 dahlias.
Price is for one tuber with a dormant or visible eye.
Be sure to read the FAQ before purchasing to see all terms and conditions and sale details.
No refunds after purchase.
Pickup/shipping in April- no early shipping available
Bicolor blend, this dahlia works well in mixed bouquets & is a solid, shorter performer in a garden. May not need staking if pinched well. Pumps out the blooms all season.
Price is for one tuber with a dormant or visible eye.
Be sure to read the FAQ before purchasing to see all terms and conditions and sale details.
No refunds after purchase.
Pickup/shipping in April- no early shipping available
One of my FAVORITE dahlias. Very tall, very productive. The blooms change through the season, but the color blends are always welcome in our bouquets. Needs aggressive staking in our field, great tuber producer.
Price is for one tuber with a dormant or visible eye.
Be sure to read the FAQ before purchasing to see all terms and conditions and sale details.
No refunds after purchase.
Pickup/shipping in April- no early shipping available
A favorite from a local (MD) grower- tall, superstar of a producer with creamy buttery blooms that pump all season long. Tinged with a big of blushy rose.
Price is for one tuber with a dormant or visible eye.
Be sure to read the FAQ before purchasing to see all terms and conditions and sale details.
No refunds after purchase.
Pickup/shipping in April- no early shipping availale