Farmers! do you need a little help with selling your flowers or veggies?
Maybe you want to know how to setup/optimize your social media such as Instagram or Facebook? How to attract and keep followers and turn them into money for your farm?
Or figure out how to use that tricky little Facebook Marketing tool to spread the word about your business?
Want to figure out how best to reach your local markets with your flowers? Are farmers markets right for you?
Or need help with a larger project such as a full year marketing plan, so it’s all laid out for you and you just have to ‘do it’?
I can help. In addition to building up our farm over the last 5 years, my 20 year background is in digital/online marketing for large corporations. I’ve applied what I know to my own farm and have seen it grown exponentially year over year, using almost only online marketing.
In the off-season, I want to take what I know and help other farmers. Most farmers just want to be farming vs selling, but unless you know how to sell what you’re growing- you won’t have a sustainable or profitable business. Let me help with the selling-you don’t have to become an expert in order to be successful.
Yes you could take an online course in marketing or business but instead of vague information designed to work across the board for hundreds of people, I will work with you on specific info and assistance tailored to your business. In the long run it’s more cost effective to work directly with an expert.
Interested in learning more? I offer hourly or project based plans. If you just want to ask a few questions or pick my brain, you just pay by the hour. Larger plans will be scoped out and proposals sent over.
To get more information, fill out the below, submit it and I’ll get back to you within 48 business hours with more information. I can’t wait to start helping you with your business!
xo Mara